Tuesday, April 14, 2009

when forgiveness is really unfamiliar

since my emotion has been up and down lately and a pack of tissue became a good friend of mine, it influenced my mood when i was you tubing. i'm listening to Nat King Cole right now.
i have this kind'a weird habit actually.
i remember when i broke up with someone, i was lying on my bed, made myself warm enough under the blanket, and i was watching the best of Sinatra's. strangers in the night, over the rainbow, etc, u name it! sobbing all nite long (with a pack of tissue beside me). my emotion has been exploited that nite.
the next day, i was doing ok.
my days are kind'a depressing lately.
have you ever felt like u want to scream, but all you can do just scream under your pillow?
urgh, i hate that kind'a feeling! keeping something inside is not good at all.
i've been through this for several times, but this time it has pushed me to the limits.
people won't learn much before they lose what they already have.
that's for sure!
when it happens, keep ur regrets for urself!
because when i say i'm done, i mean Done.

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