As a human being who live among society, we are controlled by some rules.
what kind of society? civilized? uncivilized?
those are just some labels.
similar with single, married, divorcee, straight, gay, whatever.
talking about some rules or boundaries, TABOO becomes such a familiar word.
rules come from every aspect of life. it's like a line which is made to 'make our life become easier'.
some are true, some are not.
'line of boundaries', from the thin one to the thick one. from the serious one to the silly one. from the written one to the unwritten one. bla..bla..blah..
regulation does matter for some of things. what a country will be without some regulations in it?
even we have 'some' of 'em, still this world has its own word to describe us as 'human'. CHAOS.
rules, boundaries, line, those things have created such a word, 'TABOO'
where do rules come from? religion, society, even our parents make them.
sometimes as one of God's creatures who live among society, really drives me nuts.
even i'm living in the civilized one, but sometimes this circle of people just don't act, talk, or even think in a civilized way.
once again, sadly those are just some labels.
too many hypocrites, who's talking about religion as a reason to cover up their 'uncivilized mentality'. meanwhile talking about such of 'sensitive things' will get a moral judgement.
well, talking about 'taboo', living in a country that has such a 'politeness' thing as a culture, it's just disturbing sometimes.
once i was sitting in a class, the lecturer was talking about sex (in an educational needs which is related to the subject), then the students started murmuring like having a joke or something.
oh come on! we are in a university. not a kindergarten!
and the ironic thing is, when i was sitting in a class (in a different university) the lecturer talking about something in 'a sexual way' to one of the students (trust me, the lecturer used the filthiest words). see the difference? and sadly, the students took it as a joke!
ahh just give me the bullets and i'll shoot myself.
so which one is appropriate and which one is not? why these 20-25 years old well educated human being took it as a joke for such two DIFFERENT things? i just don't get it.
so can you elaborate what taboo is?